Kleos Design Journal - 3 Biggest Successes

In my last post, I covered the 3 Biggest Lessons I learned while designing Kleos. In this post, I’ll focus on 3 things I got right while developing Kleos: 1. Focus & Process: Creating a game and running a Kickstarter with a demanding full-time job and other commitments is a huge challenge. It is also a challenge that most designers and indie publishers share! It takes an amazing amount of time and energy, consistently spent over several years to reach the finish line. Everyone needs to find their own process to keep going even when it’s difficult…

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Kleos Design Journal - 3 Lessons Learned

It’s hard to believe that I started designing games over 5 years ago! Each day since January 1st 2016, I’ve spent at least a little time working on my board game projects. At first it was a hobby, and now it has become an important part of my life that I look forward to every day. I first had the idea for Kleos in 2017. By that time, I had created 5-10 other games and wanted to focus on one to bring to fruition. I brought my favorite 5 concepts to the table, and selected Kleos as the game that I would move forward with. I started working with Kleos’ illustrator Enggar in February, 2018, and after 3 years of hard work, Kleos funded on Kickstarter in August, 2020…

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Like most game designers, my creative tendencies and love of design started a long time before I had a company, self-created projects, or even would have called it a hobby. It started as a teenager, creating new worlds, stories, classes, and rule sets for Dungeons & Dragons…for Magic: The Gathering - creating new cards, sets, formats, and even an RPG experience…and creating a pen & paper RPG for my friends in High School to tell a story that didn’t work fluidly with the systems available back then. Here I am 15 years later and not much has changed…

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