
A game designed by Jim Kavanaugh and illustrated by Enggar Ajar Adirasa

Take the role of a Greek Olympian god.
Command legendary heroes and monsters, control key parts of the city, and use every divine power at your disposal to become the patron
god of a rising city-state.

Kleos is a game of strategic card play, engine building,
and dice chucking combat.

1 - 5 Players  |   60 - 120 Minutes

Join the contest as one of five Greek Olympian Gods - Ares, Artemis, Hermes, Athena, or Dionysus - each with their own unique champion, miniature, and divine deck.  Gameplay combines hex-based combat with your favorite card game elements for a dynamic experience.

Kleos is available now from our co-publisher Giga Mech Games!

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Enter the world of ancient myth and legend.  Equally feared and worshipped by mortals, monsters, and spirits alike, the Olympian Gods sat upon Mount Olympus and watched the world go by.

That is, until word of the founding of a new city reached their ears: Kleos, a city said to rival and eventually surpass even Troy and Athens!  

Zeus has declared a week-long contest among the gods to decide who shall be the patron god of this city. So call forth your champion, ready your armies, and use every divine power you possess to win at all costs.

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The object of the game is to collect the most Glory during a 5 day contest among the gods and become the patron god of Kleos. Each day is represented by a round of play. At the end of the last round, the player with the most Glory wins. Earn Glory through victory in combat, by holding key parts of the city, and by recruiting epic heroes and monsters to your cause.

Kleos features tactical card-play and action management. Play powerful blessings and curses to gain advantage. Summon Minions onto the board or use them as upgrades, serving as mounts or offerings to bolster their allies.

Command your forces during the action phase. Manage Minion actions for combat, area control, and tactical advantage. Send your Minions to the Greek Isles to recruit epic heroes and monsters of legend, such as Medusa, Perseus, and Pegasus. Combat is dice oriented, but organize your forces wisely. Well planned cardplay and positioning makes your Minions stronger in combat and is key to victory!

Kleos features solo content including automated opponents, and scenarios where you play through stories from Greek mythology, which can be found by Clicking Here.

You can playtest the game on Tabletop Simulator, and join our Facebook community by Clicking Here.

Reviews and Media can be found by Clicking Here.

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Similar Games

If you enjoy skirmish tactics games or strategic card games, then Kleos is a great fit for your collection.  It is a mid-weight game and not as heavy as games like Chaos in the Old World, but it scratches a similar itch.  Players who loved games like Rising Sun and Champions of Midgard will also be drawn to Kleos.

Players who like Magic: the Gathering Commander also tend to love Kleos, because it has a similar feel, though it is a different experience.  You are a god playing powerful spells, and then the map-based combat adds a new level.

Component List

  • 216 Cards

  • plus 16 Alt-Art Promo Cards in the 1st Edition Printing

  • 5 Champion Miniatures with Base Snaps

  • 25 Hoplite Meeples

  • 14 Custom Dice

  • 1 20”x20” Game Board

  • 5 Player Boards

  • 1 First Player Token

  • 1 Olympus’ Favor Token

  • 1 Strife Token (Ares)

  • 20 Wine Tokens (Dionysus)

  • 1 Day Tracker Token

  • 5 Temple Hexes

  • 5 Player Reference Cards

  • 1 Olympian God Reference Card

  • 1 Rulebook



Kleos is Available Now!

Purchase your copy of Kleos now from our co-publisher Giga Mech Games by Clicking HERE. Retailers interested in Kleos can place wholesale orders through our exclusive retail partner Bridge Distribution by Clicking HERE.